Regular users 

AM - Morning (8am to 12.45pm) PM - Afternoon (1pm to 5.45pm) Eve - Evening (6pm to 11.30pm)

**Please note that our hall has three rooms available so if there is a regular booking on your chosen date please contact the Bookings Secretary to check which room is being used and whether any other rooms are available.

Accordion Club - second Tuesday Eve of the month

Alpine Garden Society - first Tuesday Eve (not January/June/July/August)

Baby Sensory - All Mondays AM, including school holidays

Badminton (Thurs) - All Thursday Eve

Badminton (Wed) Ladies - All Wed PM (not Aug+two weeks over Christmas)

BH Amateur Dramatics/Panto Group - Various

Bosom Buddies Support Group - third Tuesday Eve (not August)

Computer Club U3a - third Tuesday PM

French Folk - first and third Wednesday Eve

Flower Club (BH) - fourth Wednesday Eve (not August and December)

Folk Ensemble - second Tuesday Eve

Military Vehicles - second Wednesday Eve

Gong Meditations - third Saturday Eve (not January/February/August)

Hardy Plant Society Shropshire - first Saturday PM

Harpbeat - second Saturday PM

Ladies with Laptops - second Friday AM

Keep Fit Pilates - All Thursdays AM (not August)

Trio Bella - All Saturdays Eve

Lace Group - All SaturdayS AM and PM

Little City - second Wednesday AM

Maths Kumon - All Tuesdays and Thursdays PM (not August+two weeks December)

Peregrine Group - All third Wednesday Eve

Orchestra Shropshire Light - All Friday Eve (not school holidays)

Philatelics - All second and fourth Wednesday Eve

Postcard Club - Mostly first Friday Eve September to July

Railway Modellers - first Wednesday Eve (not July and August)

RSPB - fourth Tuesday (September to April)

Shropshire Ornithological Society - first Wednesday Eve October to April

STACS Sewing Group - third Wednesday AM and PM

Storehouse Church - All Sunday AM

Strings Ensemble - All Friday PM

Little Bundles - All Friday AM

Tilly Tea Dance - third Friday AM and PM

WI BH - second Wednesday Eve (not August)

WI BH Craft - third Thursday PM

SGI - second Sunday AM

Flicks in the Sticks - first or second Saturday Eve (see website for details) October to April

Village Association - third Wednesday Eve

Little Gannets - All Tuesdays AM

Nesting Circle - All Wednesdays AM and PM

Yoga with Hannah - All Thursdays AM

Hypnobirthing - fourth Saturday AM and PM

**Please contact the Booking Secretary to confirm bookings on