Regular users 

Accordion Club

2nd Tuesday of the month (MO),

Alpine Garden Society

1st Tuesday evening of the month, excluding January, June, July, August.

Baby Sensory

Mondays, 9am to 5pm, including school holidays

Badminton Thurs

Thursday evenings

Badminton Wed Ladies

Wednesday, 1.30pm to 4.30pm, excluding August and December

BH Amateur Dramatics/Panto Grp


Bosom Buddies Support Grp

3rd Tuesday evening, exluding August

Computer Club U3a

Tuesday pm.

Exercise with Baby

Friday am. Not school hols

Flower Club

Last Wednesday of the month, excluding August and December

Folk Ensemble

2nd + 4th Tuesday evenings of the month

Gong Meditations

Last Sat. eve. Not Jan, Feb, Aug.

Hardy Plant Society Shrops

1st Sat 1pm to 5pm


2nd Sat afternoon.

jiggy Wrigglers

Wed am.

Keep Fit Pilates

Thu 9am to 12.30pm Sep to Jul

Lace Circle

Thu am.

Lace Makers Guild

Sat am+pm.

Maths Kumon 

ue + Thu 2pm to 6pm Not Aug + 2 weeks Dec

Messy Play

Various Fri, Sat, Sun, am or pm

Orchestra Shropshire Light

Fri eve. Not school hols.

Philatelics (stamps)

2nd + 4th Wed. Eve

Postcard Club

2nd Tue Eve. Sep to Jul

Railway Modellers

Wed eve. Not Jul, Aug.


1st Tue eve Sep to Jul

Shrops Ornithological Soc

1st Wed eve Oct to Apr

STACS Sewing Grp

3rd Wed am + pm

Storehouse Church  

Sun am.

Strings Ensemble

Fri pm.

Tilly Tea Dance

3rd Fri am + pm


2nd Wed eve Not Mar or Apr.

Write On

3rd Mon eve.

Flicks in the Sticks

2nd Sat - Oct thru April

Yoga with Lizzie

Tue am.